Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Jim's Birthday August 24, 1944

 Jim's birthday was on a Sunday this year. It was a quiet day, like most Sundays. 
Our ward is very unique because it is mostly bilingual. There are a lot of members who are expat Americans who are living in Panama now. One family have lived here for over 20 years and have raised their family here. There are several families who have one or both of them working at the American Embassy. Another couple, the Vandors, are from Sweden and are only here for a few months to adopt a couple of children. I'll talk about them in another blog. We have a few Columbian families, a couple of Mexican members, and a Canadian family. The Canadian family, the Flickingers, have spent most of their marriage working in the US. Sister Flickinger was recently hired to be the director of the international school the Carmack's daughter attends. Anyway...the ward, Cárdenas, usually has at least one talk in English and one song in English. The Sunday School lesson is Spanish one week and English the next. Both of these meetings are translated, as well as the Relief Society lesson. 
Here's a picture of Jim blowing out his birthday candle. His birthday cake was a stack of No Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Coconut Cookies. President and Hermana Martin brought over pear juice, crustless tuna sandwiches and Pascualina. 
The Bjornasons brought over zucchini bread. The Borens and the Panamanian temple missionaries had gone to their homes during the break. 
It is so wonderful being here serving The Lord in His Holy House! This is going to be a year that we will never forget!

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