Thursday, September 11, 2014

Back at the Temple!

Coming back to work in the temple, after two weeks away, reminded me of how it felt going back to school after summer holidays...after a few minutes it felt just right and like we had never been away. 

It's a wonderful feeling to be able to go to the temple every day! The Spirit in the temple is so serene and there is a great sense of love and fellowship! We get to serve and serve with really good people. People who are not perfect, but trying to do their best!

Some days it's quite slow and other days, especially Saturdays, it is absolutely packed. This past Saturday we had 157 people who came to do a session. The ordinance room holds 40 people, with folding chairs it can hold 50. There are only 3 sessions scheduled for Saturdays, but to accommodate more people another session was added. In the session, Jim officiated and I followed, there were 33 sisters and 14 men. 

In addition, there were 3 stakes who had come with youth to do baptisms, one unscheduled. It is so wonderful to see the youth in the temple! Their faces radiate the joy of the gospel and the love of God. There was a live sealing and many proxy sealings. Initiatory was busy all day too! I don't know the statistics, but we were very busy! We ran out of lockers and had to issue plastic bags for the sisters to store their belongings. The laundry room was busy all day, and the missionaries worked 3 hours beyond the closer to finish it up. Great day!

Week days are harder for the people to get to the temple because of transportation and work. Not everyone has a car, and those who do have traffic that might affect their arrival. The roads in Panama City do not really accommodate the number of vehicles and there are constant traffic jams. Those who don't have cars have to rely on taxis and metro buses, which are also affected by traffic. Taxis are expensive for the average Panamanian, in relation to the monthly wage. Metro buses are affordable, only 25 cents, but the closest bus stop is one mile away. Those who come on bus have to trek up a hill in 31-37 C dressed in their Sunday best and carrying a temple bag. Attendance for the morning shifts seems to be better, I don't know why. It might have to do with the buses and having to walk back down the hill in the dark. A little scary. 

The church is fairly new here. President Boren, the temple president, said that there weren't missionaries in Panama when he served in the Central American Mission as a young man. Elder Bjornason said that when he served his mission there was only one chapel and only a handful of missionaries. Panama was a part of his mission, which covered Costa Rica, Honduras and El Salvador. In 1989 the Panama City Mission was created and there were just over 10 400 people. Now there are over 50 000 people. 

President Boren said that not everyone here has heard about the church, so Jim always has pass along cards or Article of Faith cards to give out. People are very receptive. It would be wonderful if something would come of one of these cards being given out! The gospel of Jesus Christ brings such joy and peace!

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