Sunday, September 21, 2014

Fruit & Vegetable Market

A couple of weeks ago Peter & Donna Wendt came to Panama City from Boquete, to attend the temple, and offered to take us to the fruit & vegetable market. The market sells large quantities wholesale and smaller quantities too. It was a positive experience. Donna provided me with the information to get there via the metro bus or taxi, so we can get there ourselves. We've been meaning to go back, but we haven't been able to make the time. It takes a lot of time to get there, shop and get back to the apartment. The Wendt's will be back next week, for the temple and General Conference, and have offered another trip to the market, so I think it'll have to be our next time there. 
Elder Mathieson (Jim) and Peter inside the vegetable section of the market. 
Jim carrying Donna's and my purchases. I bought a dragon fruit at this stall. It cost $3 at the market. I've seen it for $6 in stores. 
Hermana Mathieson, Cheryl, in front of the section that sells bulk quantities. 
People park their vehicles anywhere. It gets pretty tight. 
Some of the other missionaries have said it's a dirty place, but I found it to be quite pleasant. I smelled fresh fruit, not rotting produce, and there are big dumpsters that show up to haul the small spoiled, discarded heaps to the dump. You can see how this would clog the narrow roadways inside the market.
I got some really sweet pineapple, called Dorados, for just $1.25. They were so sweet! 
At one stall we were just looking at buying some avocados until the vendor cut us off a piece of mango...Jim said it was the sweetest mango he had ever eaten! It was incredible, so we ended up buying a few. 
I'm excited to go again to get some more fresh produce! 

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