Sunday, October 19, 2014

October General Conference 2014

It was so wonderful to be able to watch all six sessions of conference!

Hermana Boren invited the sister missionaries to watch the Sisters' Session with her on the Boren's flat screen TV.  They then invited us to watch the Saturday and Sunday sessions too, after we discovered the TV was snowy over at the chapel. The chapel shows conference in Spanish in the chapel and English in the Primary room. The men did go to the chapel for the Priesthood session and I watched it on the laptop. 

It was an incredible conference, which it am enjoying reading now. The talk that touched me the most is Come and See by Elder Bednar. I'm hoping that by sharing it in my blog my family and friends ,who aren't members of my church or are no longer active, will understand me better. The following is a link to his talk.

Here are a few scriptures from the Book of Mormon that I'd like to invite you to read as well:

*  1 Nephi (creates an introduction to the people whose history is written in the Book of Mormon)
*  2 Nephi 31-33 (tellis why Christ was baptized and testifies of Christ)
*  3 Nephi (my favourite...Christ's visit to the Americas after his crucifixion and resurrection)
*  Moroni 10: 3-5 (a promise to all who read the Book of Mormon)

The Church of Jesus Christ has brought such peace, direction and joy in my life! I know that I am a child of God and that He loves me. I know that families can be together through the sealing power of the priesthood within His holy temples. I know that the Book of Mormon was preserved for us in these latter days and that it was translated through the power of God by a prophet of God, Joseph Smith. I know we have a living prophet today, Thomas S. Monson, and that our lives are blessed as we listen and heed his words. I know God listens to my prayers. I know that I can receive comfort and healing blessings from worthy priesthood holders. I am comforted by this. I share my testimony with you, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 


  1. Thank you so much for sharing that specific talk. With your example I'll share it with my siblings.
    Take care. Irene

  2. The Spirit is strong as I read your testimony! You are true missionaries of and for the Lord. Thank you for your bright light!! My prayers are with you. Love & smiles :)
