Monday, October 20, 2014

Jim, October 20

I went back to the apartment today to try to make some calls, but our Vonage phone had such poor quality I was unsuccessful. Apparently the temple compound was having internet issues and the chief engineer was trying ti fix the problem. 

President Boren drove me back to the hospital. The Bjornasons and Martins came along too. The Bjornasons bought a Canadian pillow for Jim. So sweet! Hna. Martin brought some of her muffins to share with us. Sister Nelson fell outside yesterday and was trying to be invisible because her upper lip was swollen and scraped. She was feeling very self-conscious. We really do work with wonderful people!

After I got back to the hospital the room phone rang. It was Hermana Sadoval. She's the Gospel Doctrine teacher in our ward and the assistant coordinator on the Tuesday evening temple shift. She noticed we weren't at Stake Conference and ask where we were. When she found out Jim was in the hospital she called to give her love and support. Good people!

Doctors Ycaza and Lopez both visited tonight. The tests done today did not show anything, so they will be doing a biopsy from the pleural layer of Jim's lung tomorrow morning. Hopefully, it will provide an answer to begin to help Jim get better!

We feel so blessed by the expressions of love and the prayers being offered!!!! Thank you!

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