Sunday, October 19, 2014

Jim is in the hospital

Friday, October 17, 2014

Jim has had difficulty breathing for the last few weeks, so we went to the doctor a week ago last Tuesday. Jim was sent for a chest X-ray and ultrasound, which he got this past Tuesday. 

The doctor, Dr. Ycaza, contacted me on Thursday and asked me to bring Jim back for a CT scan Friday morning. The doctor's nurse called, while we were still at the hospital, and had us return to his office. He informed us that Jim's right lung was completely filled with fluid, his left lung has an infection and there's liquid in his abdominal cavity. He had his nurse get a wheelchair to take Jim directly to emergency. 

Dr. Ycaza contacted a pulmonary specialist, Dr. Lopez, to come to drain some of the fluid from Jim's lung. Dr. Lopez said he wanted to wait until the morning, as Jim had had an aspirin the night before and didn't want to risk internal bleeding. 

Saturday, October 18

I contacted Aetna, the insurance company for missionaries, this morning. They're trying to arrange with the hospital to have them direct bill. That would be nice! 

When I got back to the hospital this morning the pulmonary specialist, Dr. Lopez, was just finishing up. He drained 1600 cc's of fluid from Jim's lung, which was a dark coloured blood. They then sent Jim for another X-ray, hoping to see his lung more clearly. Dr. Lopez said it was a good X-ray.

The lung has to be drained slowly so as to not collapse. Dr. Lopez said he would be doing it again, but I don't know when. 

I had gone on line to look up blood in the lungs and found that it could be a result of congestive heart failure. I was relieved when Dr. Ycaza said that the blood, in his lungs, is not coming from his heart. I mentioned I had Googled blood in the lungs and he told me if I wanted to look something up to look up pleural effusion. It has several causes, but because the left lung has an infection I'm hoping this is the cause, as it seems to be the lesser of the other possibilities. However, he's not saying that is what Jim has. They will likely do a biopsy of the lung at the beginning of the week. Until then, they continue to give Jim antibiotics for the infection in his left lung. We feel good about the care Jim is receiving!

Jim is comfortable and feeling relief, as he can now breathe much easier, but he is still on oxygen. He had a bad night Friday because they didn't give him his regular night time sleeping pill and pain pill, but he's resting much better now that I've been able to bring his pills to give to him. They will probably not do anything more until Monday as the lab is mostly closed on Sundays. The doctor said that the blood, in his lungs, is not coming from the heart.

Here are a few pictures of Jim's room. It is quite comfortable. The closet has lots of room for hanging clothes, plus it has a set of drawers and a fridge. The love seat makes into a bed, which is where I'll be sleeping tonight. 
Looking in from the door. The window looks out at the clinic where our doctor's office is. Notice the flat screen TV. Calgary's hospitals need to take heed. The closet has a place to hang clothes, a couple of drawers and a fridge. 
The view outside Jim's window. The covered bridge connects the hospital to the clinic. 
This is a love seat that makes into a single bed. 
The bathroom. 
The nurse just came in and made up my bed. 
This picture shows it in relation to Jim's bed. It was not comfortable, but at least it's somewhere for me to sleep. It's a comfortable, quiet room!

Sunday, October 19

Jim's doing well this morning. He got up, ate breakfast and has taken a shower. 

A technician came in to get the blood samples the doctor had ordered. The nurse came in right after and took his blood pressure. It had been somewhat high for the last couple of weeks, but since the stress of not being able to breathe has been relieved, it has begun dropping to a more normal level.  Other than this, today is a wait and see day. 
This is Jasmin, Jim's morning nurse. The nurses still wear the white cap and some still wear skirts or dresses. 

Dr. Ycaza came in and took Jim's vitals. He wants us to find out what kind of cancer Larry died from and to find out what the navy said about why they felt it was probably related to the time Larry spent in the ship's boiler room and around asbestos. 

This makes me a little nervous, but Jim's calm and not exhibiting any anxiety. 

We were told that Jim will likely be in the hospital until at least Thursday. 

We serve with wonderful, caring people! Elder & Hermana Bjornason accompanied us to the doctor the first time we came. On the way back, via the Metro, Elder Bjornason was robbed by a pick pocket. Hna. Bjornason has shown me care and concern, and Elder Bjornason has called Jim every day since he's been in the hospital just to give support and show love. 

Elders Bjornason and Nelson gave Jim a blessing last week. Thursday night I went to the Boren's apartment to ask Pres. Boren for a blessing of comfort. 

The Boren's have been helpful in getting me home from the hospital in the dark and back the next morning with a bunch of stuff we would need in the hospital. 

Hna. Martin has been a wonderful friend! She has offered me love and support through her many phone calls! I know she would do anything I needed! I feel bad that this is happening so close to the time the Martins will be finishing their mission and returning to Argentina. 


  1. What an ordeal! Thank goodness there were doctors right there to take the necessary action. Both of you ate being watched from above:) so very happy for you as well that there is support for you. What caring sisters you are surrounded with. We send prayers and extra hugs.
    Love, Tom and Irene Gilchrist.

  2. Our family will be adding our prayers with many others!

  3. So sorry to hear about Jim. It must be hard to be away from family and this time..
    Please know that both of you will be in our thoughts and prayers every day.
    We love you
    Larry and Jolayne.
