Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Good Weekend

August 12, 2014

Today is my baby brother's birthday. If you read this, Earl, I hope you have a fabulous day!

This past Saturday we had the Colon Stake at the temple. It was crazy! There were several vehicles in the parking lot and 4 buses! When Jim and I walked outside the apartment building we were overwhelmed with the vista! There were people of all ages walking to and/or from the temple, youth just hanging out, little kids gathering to look at the temple and many just visiting in groups. The people have really gathered for "Un Dia en Los Cielos"!

The president was talking about how people on the other side must be rejoicing to finally have their saving ordinances being completed!

We called and talked with Al & Ann Whibley, one of Jim's sisters and her husband. It was nice to catch up! They are really good at doing Family History and have sent us some names to do here in the Panama temple. We have access to a Family History Centre here so we should start taking advantage of it during some of the morning hours...

Hermana Martin had me recite part of the initiatory ordinance to her and the coordinator on Saturday, in Spanish, and they have both given me the nod of approval to be able to officiate for a live ordinance. They said my pronunciation is perfect. 

Sunday the Panama Stake had a temple fireside in the chapel, Cárdenas, next to the temple. The chapel and hall were full! Presidents Boren and Martin spoke. Their messages were wonderful! President Martin spoke about family history and shared some personal stories. President Boren also spoke about the temple providing a light and a beacon for our lives. The meeting was very well attended. 

I hope the temple will be full again this week!

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