Monday, July 14, 2014

Catch Up from July 1-13, 2014

This post might be a little too long for some of you. I am trying to catch up on my blog, so I've included as much detail as I could remember from July 1st through the 13th. Well...I think I'm finally caught up!

Sunday, July 13

Every Sunday afternoon Jim and I take our iPads outside and we sit near the temple or take short walks to get outside in order to enjoy the beauty of our surroundings, plus we don't want to be inside our apartment for the whole day. We don't know what the rest of the couples do on Sunday's, but we have seldom seen anyone after church. Anyway, quite often we meet people who come to see the temple. It's fun to visit with them! Last week there was a dad and daughter who were in Panama for a Spanish educators' conference who had hiked up the road leading to the temple. They were all sweaty so we invited them inside to cool down inside our apartment. They didn't want anything to drink because they were fasting. (During my first mission my mission president said that when it's extremely hot it isn't safe to go without water during the fast.)

Today we were outside and a family came up to enquire if we knew anything about the YW's activity that was supposed to be at the church. No one had shown up and the family arrived later than it was supposed to have started. We visited with them, for about an hour, until the 3 1/2 yr old fell and scraped her knee. We invited them inside our apartment for a a bandaid and some chocolate. They were so appreciative!

We learned that the woman's first daughter was from another man who didn't want anything to do with her if she joined the church. She joined the church 10 years ago, but it took her 2 years to decide to get baptized. Her current husband is the father of their 31/2 year old little girl. He joined the church six years ago. His father, who is Chinese, didn't like the idea of him joining the church but he said that his father realizes now that he's a better man. They've invited us over to their house for supper. I hope it happens!

When I got home from church I opened the door to discover Jim had invited two men in for some snacks. These men are here from the States. They are working on the air conditioning systems for the apartments and temple. A funny story that one told was about, when he was going to BYU, his roommate used to answer the phone saying, "Hello from the top, Moroni speaking."  One time this man, Jacob, got a phone call from his dad, Nephi. So this is how the conversation went:
"Hello from the top, Moroni speaking."
"Hello, this is Nephi. I'd like to speak with Jacob."
I guess this really made the roommate speechless for a moment.

President Boren came upstairs to ask if we'd be willing to do another temple presentation for a group of 20 Primary children who are coming with their parents this coming Saturday. The kids are so sweet, but just like anywhere some are very lively. We think we'll buy some pencils, etc because we'll probably do this again.

Saturday, July 12

The last three Saturdays have been so busy, at the temple, that the temple coordinators have asked the sister missionaries to work in the laundry, exclusively, so the Panamenian sisters who only do one shift a month can enjoy doing ordinances. Of course, we willingly accepted. By the time the temple was supposed to close there was still a ton of laundry, so we ended up getting a snack and returning to finish up. It is so much fun to work together, especially because our husbands come back to help too. It would be wonderful if every Saturday would be as busy as these last three!

I hope I can paint a picture to try to explain how busy the temple gets on Saturdays. We have almost run out of baptismal jumpers and towels. We've had around 75 youth and new members come to do baptisms.

This past Saturday the women's changing room had three layers of sisters waiting to do ordinance work or for a cubicle in which to change. My cubicle had clothing hanging from the hook, hangers left hanging over the walls of the cubicle, above the lockers, on the floor and on the bench. Usually the sisters are given a numbered plastic bag and a token so they can get their clothing back. Yesterday there were four women at the temple to do their own work, including sealings, so we couldn't give the other sisters bags as we would normally store them in the bride's room, which was occupied. What a wonderful feeling to see so many coming to the temple!

The first Saturday we returned to the temple we were there until 5:45 pm. The temple closes at 1 pm. Today we were only there until 4 pm.

The laundry room had all 3 washers and dryers going throughout the day. Just as we'd think we were almost caught up another session would end. At 1 pm, three Saturdays ago, we had all the machines going, six baskets of laundry waiting to be washed and/or dried, and then the session ended and we ended up with the folding table piled high with dresses, slips, pants, shirts, socks, slippers and ceremonial clothing!!!

There are not any rentals at this temple, yet many of the people arrive without their own temple clothing. If they would follow the guideline regarding personal temple clothing it would help to eliminate a lot of the burden in the laundry. We should only have to be washing baptistery clothing and towels, etc, and of course clothing borrowed by missionaries and visitors from outside the temple district. Oh least they come!

Friday, July 11

Tonight a sister (Hermana Da Silva) from Manaus, Brazil came to pick up her son from his mission here in Panama. She attended the temple and was really drawn towards me, telling me she felt we were sisters from the pre-existence. I think I surprised Hermana Garcia, the first assistant to the temple matron, by understanding Hermana Da Silva who only spoke Portuguese.

Hermana Da Silva arranged with President Carmack, the Panama Mission president, to surprise her son. She found out from him the flight so she could book her return flight in order to travel home with her son. He came to the patron apartments with some of the other missionaries who were also going home. When he walked in he saw his mom. Elder Da Silva is a very nice young man!

Thursday, July 10
Today the Bjornasons and we had our first bus experience. We had mentioned to them that we saw the name of the bus that goes to the Causeway so they asked if we'd go with them. Today we caught the bus to Albrook Mall terminal and transferred to the Causeway bus. It was a positive experience.

I gave out a pass along card to a woman who sat with Jim and me on the bus. We had to take a taxi home from Albrook terminal because the Bjornasons had to get back for the English class they teach. We gave another pass along card to the taxi driver. He sounded very interested. We've put the mission office phone number on each card, so hopefully someone will call.

Wednesday, July 9

The Massaros brought us a stack of pass along cards!!!!

Tuesday, July 8

Today is my birthday and Jim asked what I wanted to do. I told him I wanted to go for a walk along the Amador Causeway. I believe I've mentioned it before. It was built during the construction of the Panama Canal from the boulders and rocks that were dug up. They placed them in the ocean to create a road connecting three outlying islands. It's a wonderful place to walk, enjoy the ocean views and watch the ships lined up waiting to enter the canal. Jim was going to take me out for lunch too, but I decided I'd rather keep walking and eat leftovers at home.

Here are a couple of photos of ships waiting to enter the Panama Canal.

We noticed that the bus went to the causeway so we think we're going to give it a try next week.

After lunch we went to the temple for our shift. What a wonderful way to spend my birthday!
When I got home from the temple there were paper birthday balloons on the door and a bag hanging from the doorknob. Hermana Boren (the temple matron) had decorated the door and left me a couple of birthday cards and some chocolates.

It was a perfect day from start to finish!

Monday, July 7

Today was our P Day. We started our day by getting up around 6:15 and walking. At 9:30 we (all the non-Panamenian senior missionaries) went grocery shopping. When we got home we had to make food for the birthday potluck and FHE in the evening.
It is so nice that they celebrate our birthdays monthly. President Garcia, the first counsellor in the temple presidency, is having his birthday on Thursday. The sisters made two cakes, one for me and one for Presidente GarcĂ­a.

Sunday, July 6

Today the Bjornasons invited us over to watch The Other Side of Heaven. It was very enjoyable! The Bjornasons are originally from California, but when they retired from teaching they moved to Utah to be closer to their kids. This was only 9 months before their mission. They have become our friends, ones with whom we share taxis for outings and sometimes meet in the mornings while walking.
Saturday, July 5

We had a good turn out at the temple today! Saturdays are the best because people come on Friday night and stay over at the patron apartments so they can get to the 7 am session.

Hermana Martin, the second assistant to the matron, went with me back to the mall to get highlights. I like my hair much better now!

The Martins are from Argentina. It feels like old home week around them!!!! I know Argentina isn't Uruguay, but there are so many similarities. It's fun having them here!

Friday, July 4

I now know all the temple ordinance by memory in Spanish!

Thursday, July 3

We decided to go to Albrook Mall, which also holds the bus terminal. Our plan was to walk down the hill and hope to catch a taxi to the mall. About half way down the hill a car pulled up and offered us a ride. This couple, the Wends, have moved to Panama from California. They come once a month to work at the temple. I can't remember the name of the city/town they're from.

When we got to the mall I went to the hair salon to get my hair cut, dyed and highlighted, and the Wends took Jim to get us bus passes in the "Daigon Alley" part of the mall, which is the bus terminal. Jim calls it this because it reminds him of the shopping area in the Harry Potter series.

I do not like the way the guy cut my hair; it is way too short, especially on the sides. I also don't like the colour. It is way too dark and he wouldn't give me highlights?!

Jim wasn't able to get the bus passes because I had the copies of our passports. At least he learned where to go, so we were able to get our bus passes before we left. It only costs two dollars for each card and $0.25 to ride the bus or metro.

When the Bjornasons found out we had bus passes they decided they would get passes too.

Tonight I worked in the temple laundry with a sweet Panamenian ordinance worker. I asked her a few questions so I could get to know her better. I found out she has ten children and that when she decided to get baptized her common law husband didn't want to marry her (He's the father of her three youngest children), so she had to decide between a man who was the father of her children and one who didn't want her as a wife, or being baptized into the church. She chose the church and is such a faithful member. She comes to the temple four days every week to work the afternoon shift. She's one of my favourite people!

So many people have amazing stories! I need to be more diligent in writing every night so I don't forget them.

Wednesday, July 2
Jim and I were sitting out by the temple and we saw the Massaros. They're the medical missionaries in the Panama Mission. They had come to attend the temple and were just making some phone calls prior to walking down the hill to catch a bus. Jim invited them in for something to drink.

As we were walking toward the apartment we invited them to stay for lunch. It was very pleasant. They've become good friends. We mentioned to them that we wished we had some literature to share with the taxi drivers because we always have conversations about why we're here. Elder Massaro said he always keeps some pass along cards in his white shirt pocket. He gave us the three he had and promised to get us more from the mission office. I think this is a perfect way to be able to do missionary work. I'm excited!

The Massaros also told us they would help us learn how to take the bus. There are no bus schedules here.

Tuesday, July 1

Happy Canada Day! Today was also a holiday for the Panamanians. Their new president took office today.

Last year, on July 1st the temple kept their usual hours, but this year they decided to try opening the temple at 7 for the first session and holding a session every hour and a half and closing the temple at 1 pm. They said it made a huge difference because there were tons of people for all four sessions.

We decided to invite all the missionary couples to celebrate Canada Day with us. We made two large apple crisps (Thanks for your recipe Helen!), used red plastic bowls, spoons and cups, white napkins, and put out the Canadian flag we brought. We also gave everyone a Canadian pin. Jim told them how Canada Day came to be. It was a fun gathering! We all sat around chatting for quite a while. It's nice to get to know the people with whom we are serving a little more personally.


  1. Thank you Kim for letting me know about the Blogger app! It makes posting pictures so much easier!!! I think I can do this now. I was procrastinating because I was discouraged. Every time I tried posting with pictures something went wrong. Finally I remembered your suggestion!!!!

  2. I don't know why this blog eats my posts. This is the 2nd time I posted and suddenly it's gone. :( Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your photos and your posts. Read all of them!
