Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Our First Post

I thought the title I had given this post was only the title for this particular post.  Oh well...one day I might actually learn how to change the title.

I have a post that I've been compiling on my iPad, so as soon as I'm able to send it to my laptop I'll post what has been happening.

We have now been in Panama for 12 days!  It is absolutely beautiful!  The people are very friendly and beautiful as well!


  1. There is a blogger app you can get for your ipad and then you can type up and post right from your ipad. :)

    Glad you made it safe! Look forward to hearing about your experiences and adventures! :)

  2. Glad for Kim's comment. I'll look into that as well...only it is tedious typing on the iPad so I will have to see how it goes. I'm excited to read your posts and I'm excited about your mission! Love you, sis! Brenda

  3. Something else I do is upload all the pictures from my phone, save the post as a draft and then do the typing from the laptop. :)
